Clear blue waves on an empty shore

Welcome to GriefLink

Welcome to GriefLink

GriefLink provides information for people who are dealing with grief caused by the death of someone close to them, and for those who are supporting them. The death of someone we know is something we all face at some time in our life, and grief is a normal reaction to this loss.

The impact of grief is often underestimated, and so it can be hard to know what is ‘normal’ and what you can do to cope or help others to cope. GriefLink can help you find information about different experiences of grief, the feelings and reactions you or those you care for might be experiencing, and things that can help.

GriefLink does not provide counselling support for those grieving. If such support is required, you can find links to other organisations who provide support for the bereaved at the bottom of each GriefLink page. If the matter is urgent, please contact LifeLine (13 11 14)Beyond Blue (1300 22 4636) or Kids Helpline (1800 55 1800) for immediate help.

The information on the site has been compiled and reviewed by a broad range of professionals and consumers in South Australia with knowledge and experience in the area of loss and grief.

GriefLink is maintained by a team based in South Australia, so some of the support information provided may be specific to that state. We hope, however, that the information provided on this site will be helpful to all. You can download and print each page or listen to the audio version.


Please download our pamphlet for brief information about grief and the GriefLink website…



COVID-19 Pandemic

Over the last three years and more we have all been caught up in the COVID-19 pandemic.

Many Australians have lost loved ones here and overseas in very difficult circumstances. Many are still struggling to cope with the mental health effects of lockdowns, lost livelihoods, and the ongoing challenges of a virus that refuses to go away.

Grief is a normal reaction, not only to the loss of someone we love, but also to the numerous losses we have experienced in the course of the pandemic. For many of us, the social, economic and health impacts of coronavirus have led to multiple losses, which can make it more difficult to cope with our grief.

Read more about the impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic.

If you need to talk to someone immediately you can call

  • Lifeline 13 11 14
  • The SA Health Mental Health Helpline 1800 632 753 which operates 8.00am to 8.00pm, 7 days a week.

31 October, 2023


Grief following a death by suicide is profound and far-reaching. It is never easy to experience, whether it comes without warning or after a long struggle with illness. Following a series of South Australian Suicide Prevention Community Grants, GriefLink has been able to expand the information and support provided for those who have been bereaved through, or touched by, suicide.

In 2023, GriefLink, in collaboration with the Australian Funeral Directors Association, and supported by a grant from SA Wellbeing, completed the Australian edition of Supporting Survivors of Suicide Loss: A Guide for Funeral Directors.

This resource has been adapted from an American publication with the permission of the authors, Samaritans, Inc, and the Educations Development Center. It was developed to support funeral directors as they help family and friends, survivors of suicide loss, to navigate the often-complicated grief reactions that can follow a suicide death, but it will be useful to anyone who has been through a suicide loss.

Download the booklet here.


GriefLink Quiz

Test your knowledge on grief by taking the GriefLink Quiz

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