Thursday, September 12th 2024.
Ask RUOK Any Day.
R U OK? Day is a national day of action when we remind Australians that every day is the day to ask, ‘are you OK?’ and start a meaningful conversation whenever they spot the signs that someone they care about might be struggling with life.
R U OK? has released resources, tips and ideas to help you drive genuine change in your workplace, school and community. Sign up via the form below to access the R U OK? Day resources and stay updated on new resources as they are released.
Thanks for supporting R U OK? and the people in your world. R U OK? Day 2024 is Thursday, 12 September, with a virtual launch on Wednesday 10th July.
Learn what to say after R U OK? at www.ruok.org.au
You can support the campaign and help Australians be more confident in having a meaningful conversation by:
· Downloading the ‘Guide to supporting R U OK? Day’
· Downloading and sharing the FREE resources and materials
You can access these at www.ruok.org.au/join-r-u-ok-day