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International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day

November 23rd 2024 marks International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day. This is a day when survivors of suicide loss can come together to find connection, understanding, hope and healing.

Losing someone close through suicide is a devastating experience and can be overwhelming and incomprehensible. While grief is a natural reaction to the loss of a loved one, it may be particularly complex following suicide when the death may have come without warning.  You can read more to help you understand responses to suicide loss on the GriefLink pages.

While grief after suicide is a shared experience across all aspects of society it may be associated with specific meanings and customs among members of different cultural groups.  Grief after suicide across cultural communities is a podcast which explores how people from diverse backgrounds can understand and support each other when faced with suicide loss. The podcast is hosted by Ian James, a descendent of the Arrernte tribe of Central Australia and the First Peoples of the River Murray and Mallee Region.

For other Anglicare suicide support services click here.

For urgent help contact Lifeline on 13 11 14