1. We look forward to your feedback to help us improve and update the GriefLink website. You can make any comments or suggestions below: 2. How did you find out about the site? Friend/RelativeSupport GroupHealth ProfessionalWorkWeb SearchOther 2a. If other, please specify: 3. What is your age group? Less than 20 years20 - 30 years31 - 40 years41 - 50 years51 – 60 years61 – 70 yearsMore than 71 years 4. What is your gender? MaleFemaleOther 5. Are you accessing this site from within Australia? YesNo 5a. If you are not in Australia, from where are accessing GriefLink? 6. How easy is the site to use? Very easyFairly easyNot easy 6a. Is there anything that would make the site easier to use? 7. Did you find the information you were looking for? YesSome informationNo 8. What did you find particularly helpful and why? 9. Do you have any suggestions for how we can improve the site? 10. Can you suggest any additional information that should be included on the site? 11. Will you return to GriefLink in the future? YesPerhapsNo 11. Will you tell others about GriefLink? YesPerhapsNo 12. Has GriefLink been useful to you/your organisation? ExtremelyQuite a lotA littleNo